When an author came to visit…

This week we had the privilege of having a real author in our school. Ruth Eastham is an award winning children’s author and she came all the way to visit RGSin Qatar.

She spoke to us about her book called ‘ The Jaguar Trials’ and we got the opportunity to learn all about the Amazon Rainforest. After, Ruth did some work with us all about using our senses to describe the rainforest. We also drew a picture of the rainforest after learning about the different layers and what animals you would see there.

We all had a great day and it was fantastic to meet a real life author!

Art Assembly

Last week in Music we learned a new song about being Under The Sea. Today, we had to perform our song in front of an audience during the Art Week assembly.

During Art Week we made our own Under The Sea headbands and wore them to perform our song. We sang fantastically and used instruments to make inferential animals e.g. castanets for crabs.

Art Week!

This week we have had so much fun completing a variety of different art activities. We have explored different techniques and been learning about the artist Niki De Saint Phille who was a sculptor and used many bright colors.

We have used mosaic to make a lion, paper mache to create a big snake and clay to make our own face sculptures.

Who is your favorite artist?

Rhyming is fun, when it’s done

This week, we have earring a poem about a box on the sand and what would be in the box. We discussed rhyming words e.g. box and fox, cook and book and different adjectives that would describe them e.g. red box and big box, good cook and a magical book.

We then wrote our own poems about what would be in our boxes making sure we used rhyming words and adjectives. Have a look at the great poems we wrote!

What would you put in your box?

Tens and Ones

This week we have been looking at Place Value. We have been revisiting finding how many tens and ones in a number and recognizing numbers up to 100.

On Thursday, we played a fun game with our partners. We had to use dice to find two digit numbers and then add ones on. It was challenging at times because there were more than ten ones.

Is it waterproof? ☔️☂️

This week we carried out an investigation. Which material would be the best for Winnie the Pooh’s umbrella?

We investigated whether kitchen roll, cardboard, tissue paper, plastic bag or fabric would be the best for an umbrella. We poured water over the materials and observed what happened to them. We found out that the plastic bag was the best material for an umbrella because the water ran off the sides. Materials tissue paper and cardboard were not suitable because went soggy and ripped.

Health Week at RGS

We have had an extremely busy week! It has been Health Week at RGS and we’ve been focusing on being healthy. Sunday was Soccer Sunday, we had great fun playing football outside and doing some fun football drills. Monday was Movement Monday, we rode our bikes around an obstacle course and completed yoga and dance classes. Tuesday was Tasty Tuesday, we made delicious fruit smoothies and wrote instructions on how to make them. Wednesday we had our fantastic school trip to the zoo.

Thursday was our extremely fun, but tiring Sports Day! What a fantastic week we’ve had learning about how to be healthy and eating deliciously healthy food.

What’s your favorite healthy food?

Let’s get reading!

This week we have been having fun honking all about books! We have joined in with competitions, made our own book projects and presented them to the class, read with Nursery children and got the chance to dress up as our favorite book character!

What character would you dress up as for World Book Day?

RGS Music

Whole school

RGS French

Whole School


Whole School

RGS Arabic

Whole School

Dolphin Class


Turtles Class
